LV & MV Electrical Installations III: The Absence of the IDR and Deaths Due to Electric Shock in the Residential Environment

Thursday, August 29, 2024

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
Expo Center Norte, 2nd floor
Cantareira 6

This session deals with shock protection in residential environments, and inspection methods for electrical systems.

02:00 pm - 02:45 pmThe Absence of the IDR and Deaths Due to Electric Shock in the Residential Environment

Caroline Daiane Radüns



Edson Martinho


Lambda Consultoria LTDA

02:45 pm - 03:30 pmComputer Vision and the Visual Inspection of Electrical Systems

Caroline Daiane Radüns, Unijuí



Caroline Daiane Raduns is an Electrical Engineer, an Occupational Safety Engineer, a specialist in Appraisals and Expertise, a specialist in Fire Safety, a Master in Engineering and a PhD in Science Education. She is currently a partner and engineer at Van Guard Engenharia and a full professor at UNIJUI, working in teaching and university extension. She has experience in the following areas: electrical installations, electrical safety, energy efficiency, fire safety and environmental education.

José Maurício dos Santos Pinheiro, UBM



José Maurício S. Pinheiro is a university lecturer at the University Center of Barra Mansa - UBM and at the Faculty of Technological Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro - FAETERJ. He is also an instructor at the Serviço Social do Transporte and Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem do Transporte - SEST SENAT, working in the area of Information Technology. He has expertise in technology management, specializing in Artificial Intelligence, Telecommunications, Automation and Computer Networks. He is the author of books and articles on topics related to academic research, networks, information technology and IT forensics. His participation in seminars and congresses, both as a speaker and as a guest, highlights his commitment and ongoing involvement with the advancement of these areas of knowledge.

Edson Martinho, Lambda Consultoria LTDA



Edson Martinho is an Electrical Engineer with a specialization in Engineering and Work Safety and Marketing, Founder, former President and Executive Director of Abracopel - Brazilian Association for Raising Awareness of the Dangers of Electricity, Professor of Postgraduate Studies at FACENS, Pedagogical Coordinator of Fluke Academy, Managing Partner of Lambda Consultoria, national and international speaker, author of books.

Further Content
Press Release
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Visitor Information

Buy your exhibition or conference ticket via the online ticket shop.

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