João Marcos Belisário Dantas

Job Title
Engineering Manager
Termotécnica Para-raios

Master in Production Engineering (UFMG), Electrical Engineer (PUC-MG) and Electrical Technician (CEFET/MG). Engineering Manager at Termotécnica Para-Raios. Professor of Electrical Engineering subjects at the UNA University Center. Author of several articles presented at congresses and published in magazines. Member of the CE 03:64.10 committee that revised the ABNT NBR 5419 standard.

August 28, 2024Comparison of LPS Implementation in a Distributed Generation PV Plant Using an Isolated or Non-Isolated System

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Press Release
Reflecting the advances made by renewable energy in Brazil, The smarter E South America 2024 has surpassed the 650 exhibitors mark, growing by more than 20% over last year’s edition

September 2, 2024

This year’s edition of The smarter E South America, LATAM’s Largest Platform for the New Energy and Mobility World, wound up on last Thursday 29th after featuring 650+ exhibitors and welcoming around 55,000 visitors from 50 countries and more than 2,500 attendees to its four parallel conferences delivered by more than 172 global decision-makers spanning the whole renewable energy supply chain.

Visitor Information

Buy your exhibition or conference ticket via the online ticket shop.

Setting the benchmark for the renewable energy industry – Highlights of LATAM’s Innovation Hub for the New Energy World

August 1, 2024

The smarter E South America 2024 Conferences Intersolar, ees, Power2Drive and Eletrotec+EM-Power, aim to set the benchmark for the renewable energy industry. They address market development, technical and regulatory challenges and opportunities, and feature expert presentations on a variety of topics including solar energy, grid infrastructure, energy storage, green hydrogen and electric mobility.

Setting the benchmark for the renewable energy industry – Highlights of LATAM’s Innovation Hub for the New Energy World

July 25, 2024

The smarter E South America 2024 Conferences Intersolar, ees, Power2Drive and Eletrotec+EM-Power, aim to set the benchmark for the renewable energy industry. They address market development, technical and regulatory challenges and opportunities, and feature expert presentations on a variety of topics including solar energy, grid infrastructure, energy storage, green hydrogen and electric mobility.

Electrical installations in Brazil: New rules and newer solutions

August 10, 2023

The growth of DG PV and the revision and creation of important technical standards has been causing significant changes in the electrical installations industry.

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