Lightning Protection Systems (LPS) IV: PV Plant Ground Grid: How to Ground the Fence?

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

04:00 pm - 05:30 pm
Expo Center Norte, 2nd floor
Cantareira 6

This session deals with grounding issues in PV systems, as well as with the feasibility of lightning protection systems in distributed generation plants.

04:00 pm - 04:45 pmPV Plant Ground Grid: How to Ground the Fence?

Carlos Moreira Leite


Volts & Bolts

Mário Leite Pereira Filho



04:45 pm - 05:30 pmAnalysing the Economic Viability of SPDA in a Typical Distributed Generation PV Plant

Gabriel Luiz Silva Almeida

R&D Analyst

Termotécnica Para-raios

Luan Marcelino da Costa

Customer Support Technician

Termotécnica Para-raios

Felipe Buzolin Reis

Technical Consultant

Empower Engenharia

Carlos Moreira Leite, Volts & Bolts



- mechanical engineer from FEI - 1984 - CEO of Officina de Mydia (Brazil) and Volts and Bolts (Estonia) - Author of the software 'TecAt' and 'Atmos' - Author of the books 'Malhas de Terra' and 'Proteção e Aterramento de Estações de Telecomunicação' and co-author of the book 'Proteção Contra Descargas Atmosféricas'.

Felipe Buzolin Reis, Empower Engenharia

Technical Consultant


Electrical Engineer (FEITEP/PR). Technical consultant at Empower Engenharia. He has been working for 7 years on projects, technical support services for construction work, quality control of projects for photovoltaic plants, with an emphasis on dimensioning SPDA and earthing systems.

Luan Marcelino da Costa, Termotécnica Para-raios

Customer Support Technician


Electrotechnical Technician (CEFET/MG) and Undergraduate in Electrical Engineering (UNA). Customer support technician at Termotécnica Para-raios. He has carried out hundreds of projects, inspections and consultancies in the field of protection against atmospheric discharges.

Mário Leite Pereira Filho, EngSim



An electrical engineer with a master's and doctorate from USP's Polytechnic School, he is a consultant at EngSim Serviços. He has extensive experience in solutions using grounding techniques, backup and reliability systems for critical electrical loads and computer models for high-voltage electrical cables. He was responsible for setting up the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory at IPT. He has experience with electromagnetic simulation software and has produced software for calculating grounding loops and electromagnetic fields in electricity transmission lines and substations.

Gabriel Luiz Silva Almeida, Termotécnica Para-raios

R&D Analyst


Master in Electrical Energy Systems (UFMG), Electrical Engineer and Electrotechnical Technician (CEFET/MG). Research & Development Analyst at Termotécnica Para-Raios. Author of several articles presented at congresses and published in national and international journals. Member of the CE 03:64.10 committee reviewing the ABNT NBR 5419 standard, working directly in the GT-9 (study of non-conventional collectors) and GT-11 (PDA for photovoltaic systems) working groups as a participant, and in the GT-8 (text formatting) as rapporteur. Member of the technical group of ABRARAIO - Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Para-raios, Aterramentos e Sistemas de Proteção.

Further Content
Press Release
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Visitor Information

Buy your exhibition or conference ticket via the online ticket shop.

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